such time and place as may be fixed by said ordinance or ordinances
and be approved by a majority of the votes cast at such time and
place, as required by Section 7 of Article XI of the Constitution of
Maryland; and the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, in sub-
mitting any ordinance or ordinances for the issuance of said cer-
tificates of indebtedness, or any part thereof, to the legal voters
of Baltimore City, may submit and re-submit the same at any
municipal election as well as at any general election to be held in
Baltimore City.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the proceeds of sale of
said certificates of indebtedness hereby authorized to be issued, not
exceeding the par value thereof, shall be used for the acquisition,
by purchase, lease, condemnation or any other legal means, of land
or property, or any rights therein, in the City of Baltimore, and
establishing, constructing, erecting and equipping on said land or
property, or on any land or property now or hereafter owned by
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, a modern and adequate
Civic Center and all facilities and appurtenances, including, but not
limited to, adequate automobile parking facilities, necessary or
useful in connection with the operation of a modern Civic Center,
which shall be designed and constructed to be used for or in con-
nection with the presentation of sports events, exhibitions, contests,
gymnastic events, performances for theatrical, educational and
cultural purposes and for a public auditorium or convention hall,
and for architectural or engineering services or surveys and any
other activities relating to planning for the above mentioned
purposes, and for doing any and all things necessary, proper or ex-
pedient in connection with or pertaining to any or all of the matters
or things hereinbefore mentioned.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Civic Center Com-
mission of Baltimore, as it is now or hereafter established or con-
stituted, is hereby fully authorized and empowered:
(a) To administer and supervise the proceeds derived from the
sale of the certificates of indebtedness authorized to be issued under
the provisions of this Act, including, but not limited to, the ex-
penditure and disposition thereof, and
(b) To exercise and perform any and all of the powers and duties,
which heretofore have been or may hereafter be vested in or im-
posed upon said Commission by any law or ordinance, in connection
with the proceeds derived from the sale of the certificates of in-
debtedness authorized to be issued under the provisions of this
Act and all other matters and things relating or pertaining to or in
connection with the construction, establishment and operation of
the contemplated Civic Center.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, (a) That no part of the pro-
ceeds of sale of the certificates of indebtedness hereby authorized
to be issued shall be expended until after the Commission has sub-
mitted its written recommendation, which shall set forth the pur-
poses for, and the terms and conditions upon, which each particular
sum of money is to be expended, to the Board of Estimates of the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and such recommendation has
been approved by said Board of Estimates.