ANNAPOLIS, MD., March 21, 1958.
Honorable Louis L. Goldstein
President of the Senate
State House
Annapolis, Maryland
Dear Mr. President:
I have today vetoed Senate Bill 13, which is returned herewith. This
bill would provide State support for a $15,000,000.00 bond issue to pro-
vide funds for the Maryland Port Authority. This bill duplicates House
Bill 174 of the 1958 Regular Session and House Bill 6 of the 1958 Special
Since the Attorney General has advised me that Senate Bill 13 is
unconstitutional because it was considered by the Legislature prior to
final passage of the Budget Bill, I am vetoing this bill and will sign the
House Bills, as to which there is no constitutional question.
Sincerely yours,
Which was read.
Senate Bill No. 13—By the President (Legislative Council) :
A Bill entitled "An Act to repeal and re-enact, with amendments,
subsection (j) of Section 5, and Sections 9, and 11 of Article 62-B of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition), title 'Maryland Port Au-
thority', and to repeal Section 8 of that Article and enact a new Section 8
in lieu thereof, to stand in the place of the section so repealed, repealing
the provisons thereof pertaining to the issue by the Maryland Port Au-
thority of Special Obligation Bonds in the amount of Fifteen Million
Dollars ($15,000,000); providing in lieu thereof for the creation of a
State debt in the aggregate amount of Fifteen Million Dollars ($15,000,-
000), the proceeds thereof to be used for acquisition of and improvements
to certain port facilities, said debt being payable from the proceeds of
the tax on net income of certain corporations previously provided for and
from the proceed of a tax on assessable property, hereby levied to the
extent necessary to pay the principal of and interest on the said debt not
paid from the proceeds of the said tax on net income of certain corpora-
tions; providing that funds in the Maryland Port Authority Fund may
be used for facilities owned or controlled by the Authority; to repeal and
re-enact with amendments Section 288 (f) of Article 81 of said Code
(1957 Edition), title 'Revenue and Taxes', sub-title 'Income Tax', pro-
viding that amounts received from proceeds of the tax imposed by that
section upon the net income of certain corporations shall be applied first
to payments of principal of and interest on the State debt authorized by
this Act, and the balance to be paid into the Maryland Port Authority