(Senate Bill No. 135)
AN ACT to add a new Article to the Annotated Code of
Maryland, said new Article to be known as Article 85A, to
be under the title "Sedition and Subversive Activities",
and to follow immediately after Article 85 of said Code,
making it a crime to commit act's or advocate acts intended
to effect the overthrow of the Government of the United
States or the State of Maryland or of any political sub-
division thereof by violence or other unlawful means, or
to attempt or conspire so to do, relating to subversive
organizations generally, to the loyalty of candidates for
public office and of officers and employees of the State or
of any political sub-division thereof and relating to the
policy of the State in giving aid to private institutions
which fail to report what procedures have been adopted to
determine the loyalty of its officers and employees and
providing for the enforcement of the provisions of said
Article, and providing penalties for the violation thereof.
WHEREAS, there is a World Communist movement under
the domination of a foreign power, having as its objective
the establishment of totalitarian dictatorship in all parts of
the world under its control; and
WHEREAS, such a dictatorship is characterized by the
liquidation of all political parties other than the Communist
Party, the abolishment of free speech, free assembly, and
freedom of religion, and is the complete antithesis of the
American constitutional form of government; and
WHEREAS, the methods used by such a police state include
treachery, deceit, infiltration into governmental and other in-
stitutions, espionage, sabotage, terrorism and other unlawful
means; and
WHEREAS, the World Communist movement is not a politi-
cal movement, but is a World-wide conspiracy having sections
in each country; and
WHEREAS, using the methods above set forth, it has al-
ready successfully conquered in recent years a large part of
the World and has established spearheads in this Country
in the form of various conspiratorial organizations, some
masquerading under the pretense of being political parties,
others infiltrating organizations which they seek to control