the tax year commencing on the first day of -July, a tax not
to exceed fifty (50^) cents per one hundred dollars ($100. 00)
assessed value based upon the State and county assessments
on all real and personal property as the needs of the town
may require. Provided, however, that the Mayor and Com-
mon Council shall have the power by ordinance to exempt
not exceeding $500. 00 of household goods of each person
from taxation. Such • tax shall be in default after the first
day of October of each year and shall thereafter bear
interest at one per centum (1%) per month until paid.
The Treasurer of said town shall calculate the amount
of taxes due by each person and shall render a bill to the
address given on such lists of assessments either by deposit-
ing the same in the mail or otherwise, or if the address of
any such person is unknown, to the best address ascertain-
able. All taxes on real estate not paid by the first day of
January next succeeding their levy shall be collected as pro-
vided by Article 81 of the Annotated Code of Maryland.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall not
become effective until it has been submitted to the qualified
voters of the town of Fairmount Heights, in Prince George's
County, at the next regular municipal election on the first
Monday in May, 1949. There shall be printed on the ballots
to be used at said election the title of this Act and under-
neath said title on separate lines a square or box to the right
of and opposite the words "For Increased Property Tax Rate",
and a corresponding square or box to the right of and
opposite the words "Against Increased Property Tax Rate",
so that the voters shall be able to designate in the proper
square or box their decision for or against the proposed in-
creased property tax rate. If a majority of the votes cast
on said question shall be "For Increased Property Tax Rate",
then this Act shall thereupon become immediately effective.
If a majority of the votes cast thereon shall be "Against In-
creased Property Tax Rate", then this Act shall be inopera-
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act is hereby
declared to be an emergency measure and necessary for the
immediate preservation of the public health and safety, and
having been passed by a yea and nay vote, supported by three-
fifths of all of the members elected to each of the two Houses
of the General Assembly of Maryland, the same shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 22, 1949.