numbered ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred, one
hundred and one, and ninety-seven (98, 99, 100,101 and 97)
on Plat No. 1, of Hamilton Park, filed in the office of the
Clerk of the Circuit Court for Baltimore County in Plat
Book No. 2, Folio 57. See also Liber S. C. L. No. 4964,
Folio 537.
147. To deed all those five lots of ground situate in Balti-
more City, State of Maryland, designated as Lots numbered
38, 39, 40, 41 and 42 on Plat No. 2 of the Sub-division known
as Hamilton Park, filed in the Land Record Office for Bal-
timore County in Plat Book S. C. L. No. 2, Folio 209. See
also Deed in Liber S.C.L. No. 4973, Folio 349.
148. To the bequest contained in the last Will and Testa-
ment of M. Kate Turner, deceased, of $1,000.00 to the
Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church of Upper Marlboro,
Maryland, as recorded in "Wills" Liber J.H.B. 226, Folio
250, in the office of the Register of Wills for Baltimore City.
149. To two contiguous parcels of ground containing
1,831 acres of ground, more or less, lying and being in the
town of Upper Marlboro, Prince George's County, Mary-
land, as described in a deed from Nellie Howard Hess and
James Bruce Hess, her husband, to the Vestry of Trinity
Church, Upper Marlboro, in Prince George's County, Mary-
land, dated July 12, 1947, and recorded in Liber 928, Folio
347, of the Land Records of Prince George's County, Mary-
150. To deed to Christian Science Society, Essex, Mary-
land, from John F. Tutchton and wife, the property knotvn
as No. 721 Eastern Avenue, Essex, being Lot No. 22, on
the South Side of Eastern Avenue, and Lots Nos. 10 and 11,
on the North Side of Maryland Avenue, in Block "B", Sec-
tion "E" of Essex Sub-Division, the Deed being recorded in
the Land Records of Baltimore County, in Liber T.B.S.
No. 1700, Folio 362.
151. To deed from Everyman's Bible Class of Hale-
thorpe, a body corporate, to Halethorpe Community Church,
a body corporate, Laws of Maryland, dated August 27,
1943, recorded in Land Records of Baltimore County in
Liber R.J.S. No. 1318, Folio 237, in fee-simple.
152. To deed of assignment from Clayton W. Bordley,
a body corporate under the Laws of Maryland, to Hale-
thorpe Community Church, a body corporate, Laws of
Maryland, dated May 23, 1946, Recorded in Land Records
of Baltimore County, in Liber R.J.S. No. 1453, Folio 494.