(Senate Bill 270)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, sub-
section (a) of Section 96 of Article 65 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1947 Supp. ), title "Militia", sub-title
"Re-employment of Persons in Military Service", re-
lating to the rights and status of a veteran in any pen-
sion or retirement fund or system, who may have with-
drawn his accumulated contributions.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That sub-section (a) of Section 96 of Article 65 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1947 Supp. ), title "Militia",
subtitle "Re-employment of Persons in Military Service",
be and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with
amendments, to read as follows:
96. (a) The rights and status of any person inducted
into the land or naval forces of the United States within
the period beginning September 1, 1940, and ending
December 31, 1945, for training and service pursuant to
the Act of Congress known as the Selective Training and
Service Act of 1940, or any subsequent Acts of a similar
nature, and any member of any reserve component of
the land or naval forces of the United States on active
duty or service within said period or ordered or assigned
to active duty or service within said period, as well as any
person who, within said period, enlists in the armed forces
of the United States, and who may be absent in such mili-
tary service shall be as follows in any pension or retire-
ment fund or system, including the Teachers Retirement
System of the State of Maryland: During the period of
such absence, no such person or his estate shall have any
right or be entitled to ordinary disability benefits, acci-
dental disability benefits, death benefits, optional allow-
ances or other disability or death benefits in any such
fund or system. Any such person, during such absence
except as herein otherwise specified, shall retain his status
and rights as a member of any such pension or retirement
fund or system (a) if he does not withdraw any part of
his accumulated contributions, and (b) if within one year
from the time he is relieved from active duty or service
he shall again be actively employed by his employer or
employing unit at the time he left for active service, and
(c) if he shall not have previously taken any other em-
ployment; provided, however, that if such person has with-
drawn any part of his accumulated contributions, he shall