by the number of years of his service since he last became
a member; and
(c) If he has a prior service certificate in full force and
effect, an additional pension which shall be equal to one-
seventieth of his average final compensation multiplied by
the number of years of service certified on his prior service
(d) Provided, however, that if at the time of retirement
the member has not attained the age of sixty, the pension
and additional pension, if any, shall be payable at retire-
ment and shall be the actuarial equivalent at that time of a
pension and additional pension payable at the age of sixty
in the amounts computed as provided in (b) and (c)
above; or, such member may elect at the time of retire-
ment to have his service retirement allowance deferred to
commence upon the attainment of the age of sixty, in
which event the annuity shall be the actuarial equivalent
of his accumulated contributions at that age, and the pen-
sion or pensions under (b) and (c) above shall be in the
amounts computed as therein provided.
10. (1) (e) Subject to the approval of the Board of
Trustees, in addition to the contributions deducted from
compensation as hereinbefore provided, any member may
redeposit in the Annuity Savings Fund by a single pay-
ment or by an increased rate of contribution an amount
equal to the total amount which he previously withdrew
therefrom as provided in this Article, or any part hereof;
or any member may deposit therein by a single payment
or by an increased rate of contribution an amount com-
puted to be sufficient to purchase an additional annuity
which, together with his prospective retirement allowance,
will provide for him a total retirement allowance not in
excess of one-half of his average final compensation at
the age of 60 or after 30 years of creditable service, which-
ever would first occur. Such additional amounts so de-
posited shall become a part of his accumulated contribu-
tions except in the case of disability retirement, when they
shall be treated as excess contributions returnable to the
member in cash or as an annuity of equivalent actuarial
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1949.
Approved April 22, 1949.