priation for each such service, and shall levy ad valorem
taxes in each such section, the rate of which shall be com-
puted for each section by multiplying the total tax rate to
be levied in the area of the Town defined in Section 975
by the percentage or aggregate of percentages determined
under clause (ii) above, depending upon the service or
services actually rendered and to be rendered in each such
(c) All taxable property within the area added by
Section 982B which the Mayor and Council shall classify
as primarily agricultural and which receives none of the
municipal services described in sub-paragraphs (a) and
(b) above shall be subject to annual ad valorem taxation
by the Town only to the extent outlined in sub-paragraph
(e) hereof.
(d) As property within the sections defined in sub-
paragraph, (b) above begins to receive the services and
benefits of property defined in sub-paragraph (a) above,
and as taxable property in the areas defined in sub-para-
graph (c) above begins to receive the services and bene-
fits described either in sub-paragraph (a) or in sub-
paragraph (b) above, such property shall automatically
become subject to the tax rate or rates authorized by such
sub-paragraphs, which taxes shall be imposed and be
payable in the fiscal years following the inauguration of
the services defined in each such sub-paragraph.
(e) Notwithstanding any of the provisions of sub-
paragraphs (a) to (d), inclusive, of this Section 982C, the
Mayor and Council of Rockville shall have, and is hereby
granted, full and complete authority to levy ad valorem
taxes upon all taxable property heretofore embraced with-
in the corporate limits of the Town as well as upon all
taxable property included in said corporate limits by said
Section 982B, in rate and amount sufficient to enable said
Town in each year to meet the principal and interest
maturities of any general obligation bonds, notes or other
evidences of indebtedness validly issued by the Town upon
its full faith and credit, and the rate or rates of such taxa-
tion shall not be included within or be deemed subject to,
any other statutory limitation upon the power of the Town
to levy and collect ad valorem taxes.
(f) The ad valorem taxes which the Mayor and Council
of Rockville is authorized to levy and collect by this Sec-
tion 982C shall be levied and collected in the same manner
and at the same time as other Town taxes are levied and
collected and shall have the same priorities and shall be-