ville in Montgomery County, excluding such area so in-
cluded within the Town of Rockville from the Maryland-
Washington Metropolitan District, from the Maryland-
Washington Regional District and from the jurisdiction
of The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning
Commission and the ordinances thereof and exempting
the land therein from taxes hereafter levied for the pur-
poses of said Metropolitan and Regional Districts, and
relating to the taxation of property, benefit assessments
and zoning regulations in said area.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 982 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Montgomery County (1947 Edition), being Article 16 of
the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Mont-
gomery County", sub-title "Rockville", be and it is hereby
repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, and that four
new sections be and they are hereby added to said Code,
said new sections to be known as Sections 982B to 982E, to
follow immediately after Section 982A and to read as
982. All of the territory hereby annexed to the Town of
Rockville by Sections 979, 980, 981 and 982B is hereby
excluded from the limits of the Maryland-Washing-
ton Metropolitan District and from the limits of the
Maryland-Washington Regional District, nor shall the
lands therein be subject to the jurisdiction of The Mary-
land-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, nor
subject to the ordinances thereof, and all of said lands
shall hereafter be exempt from taxes hereafter levied for
the purposes of said Metropolitan and Regional Districts.
982B. The boundaries of the Town of Rockville are
hereby extended to include the following area, which is
added to said town:
Beginning for the same at the intersection of the Rock-
ville-Great Falls Road with the center of the Seven Locks
Road at or near the Town of Rockville; thence crossing the
William H. Trail and the Montgomery County Poor Farms
in a southeasterly direction to a point in the center of
Monroe Street extended where the Montgomery County
Poor Farm, the Malcolm S. McConihe Tract and the Henry
S. Dawson Heirs Farm corner in said street; thence cross-
ing the Dawson and Woodmont Club Tracts in an easterly
direction to a concrete monument on the westerly side of
the Rockville-Washington Road where the properties of
the newly acquired Woodmont Club and the northeast cor-
ner of the Old L. L. Nicholson (now Eugene E. Zuck Prop-