WHEREAS, the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County felt
that it could not order or allow counsel fees to exceed One
Hundred Dollars ($100. 00), because the traversers were tried
together in a joint indictment and, whereas, such an allowance
was totally inadequate, and whereas the Court suggested a
fee of Five Hundred Dollars ($500. 00) each to George E.
Rullman and Louis M. Strauss as just compensation to them
for said services; now therefore be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Board of Public Works be and it is hereby requested in its
discretion to pay to George E. Rullman and Louis M. Strauss
the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1, 000. 00) made up at the
To George E. Rullman................ $500. 00
To Louis M. Strauss.................. 500. 00
The said sum to be paid out of the contingent fund appro-
priated to said Board of Public Works for the State Budget
in the year Nineteen Hundred and Forty-nine (1949) to Nine-
teen Hundred and Fifty-one (1951).
Approved April 22, 1949.
NO. 9
(Senate Joint Resolution 8)
Joint Resolution requesting the Governor to continue the
Special Commission to study the Workmen's Compensa-
tion Laws.
WHEREAS, the General Assembly, by Joint Resolution No. 10
at its 1947 regular session, requested the Governor to appoint
a Special Commission to study and revise the Workmen's
Compensation Laws and to submit its report, together with its
revision of said law, to the Governor and the Legislative
Council on or before October 1, 1948, and to the General As-
sembly when it convened in January, 1949; and
WHEREAS, a Special Commission was appointed pursuant to
said Resolution and is now engaged in studying the Work-
men's Compensation Laws; and
WHEREAS, because of the magnitude of the task with which
the Special Commission is confronted, it has been unable to