age, storm water drainage or refuse disposal systems or any
other of its utility properties.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act is hereby
declared to be an emergency measure, and necessary for the
immediate preservation of the public health and safety, and
being passed upon a yea and nay vote supported by three-
fifths of all the members elected to each of the two Houses
of the General Assembly of Maryland, the same shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved May 6, 1949.
(House Bill 705)
AN ACT to add a new section to the Code of Public Local
Laws of Baltimore County (Smith's 1948 Edition), title
"Pensions", to be under a new sub-title to be known as
"Widows Pension", said new section to be known as Sec-
tion 254A, to follow immediately after Section 254 thereof,
authorizing the County Commissioners of Baltimore Coun-
ty to establish a Pension Fund for widows of members of
the regular Police and Fire Departments of said County,
to make regulations therefor and to levy taxes to pay
the expenses thereof.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That a new section be added to the Code of Public
Local Laws of Baltimore County (Smith's 1948 Edition),
title "Pensions", to be under a new sub-title to be known
as "Widows Pension", said new section to be known as
Section 254A, to follow immediately after Section 254 there-
of, and to read as follows:
254A. The County Commissioners of Baltimore County are
authorized and empowered to establish and maintain a
Special Fund for widows for the purpose of providing a gen-
eral system of allowances and payments to be made to the
widows or other dependents of members of the regular
Police and Fire Departments of said County. Said Special
Fund shall be derived from contributions made by said regu-
lar Police and Fire Departments by deductions to be made
from their salaries, and such additional sums as the County