1878 LAWS OF MARYLAND.. [CH. 761
to be received during such year applicable to the payment of
interest and retirement expenses, for all the bonds issued,
provided that in the event such sum so levied shall not pro-
vide a sufficient sinking fund to retire all such bonds as they
mature, then the Commissioners shall levy annually against
all taxable property in Baltimore County a sufficient sum to
make up the deficiency. The Treasurer of Baltimore County
is hereby required to collect the tax so levied, in the same
manner as State and county taxes are collected, and such tax
shall bear the same interest and be subject to the same penal-
ties in the event of non-payment, as in the case of other
county taxes. From the money so received, together with the
amount in hand to the credit of said bond fund from the
collections provided for in Section 335, the Commissioners
shall first pay all interest on said bonds as it matures, and
shall then deposit in some bank, or banks in Baltimore
County to the credit of the Commissioners, as a fund to be
known as the "Sinking Fund Account", the amount so raised
for the payment of the principal of said bonds. The monies
in the Sinking Fund shall be kept entirely separate from all
other monies of the said Commissioners and of the County,
and the said Commissioners shall invest the monies in the
Sinking Fund in the purchase of any bonds issued under this
Act when they are obtainable at not exceeding one point-
above the issue price or in bonds of the United States Gov-
ernment or of the State of Maryland; and bonds issued un-
der this Act when purchased for the Sinking Fund shall not
be cancelled and destroyed, but shall be immediately stamp-
ed to show that they belong to the Sinking Fund and shall
be held and treated as other outstanding bonds bearing in-
terest, and the interest thereon shall be paid into the Sink-
ing Fund until their maturity and at maturity they shall be
cancelled at the same time at which bonds of the same series
outstanding in the hands of the public are paid. The Com-
missioners shall have power and authority to sell any United
States or State of Maryland bonds at any time in the Sink-
ing Fund in order to provide cash to pay any series of bonds
issued under this Act as they mature or to purchase with
the proceeds bonds issued under this Act whenever the Com-
missioners can in their judgment make such a change of
investment advantageously. The provisions of this section
shall not apply to the properties, plants, franchise, and/or
right of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore or to any
properties, plants, franchise and/or rights that may be here-
after acquired by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
for the protection or enlargement of its water supply, sewer-