a special election in the affected territory and empower-
ing the Mayor and Aldermen of Annapolis to enact neces-
sary legislation in accordance with the Commission's
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That there is hereby created a body to be known as the
Annapolis Annexation Charter Commission to be com-
posed of nine registered voters of Anne Arundel County.
Four members shall be residents of Annapolis and shall
be appointed by the Mayor and Aldermen of Annapolis;
four member shall be residents of the metropolitan area
adjacent to Annapolis and shall be appointed by the County
Commissioners of Anne Arundel County; and the ninth
member shall be a resident of Anne Arundel County who
does not reside in either Annapolis or in the metropolitan
area adjacent thereto, and shall be chosen by the Com-
mission to act as their Chairman.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That upon the ap-
pointment and organization of said Commission, it shall
forthwith proceed to make a study of the territory adja-
cent to the City of Annapolis and determine, by a majority
vote, the area proposed to be annexed. Said area shall
then be divided into wards of approximately the same area
and population density as are now established in the City
of Annapolis. Any new ward or wards shall be entitled
to be represented by two Aldermen in the same manner as
the existing Mayor and Aldermen of Annapolis is now
constituted, and shall be entitled to sit as Aldermen and
receive the same compensation as is now provided.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Commission
shall make a study of the assessable basis of the area to be
annexed; the local obligations outstanding of said area;
the increase in cost of providing city services in said area,
the possible effect on the City tax rate, and any other
financial problems which may be presented to the Commis-
sion. It shall then make its recommendations to the Mayor
and Aldermen of Annapolis. The said Mayor and Alder-
men shall then enact such ordinances as may be deemed
advisable. Said ordinances shall embrace the proposed City
services in the new area, the proposed City tax rate and
such other and further legislation as may be deemed neces-
sary or advisable in the event the annexation is consum-
mated. The Mayor and Aldermen shall also provide a sum
sufficient to pay the costs of a special election to be held in
the area to be annexed, and shall ordain that said area