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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1633   View pdf image (33K)
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Ordinances, a pension plan or pension plans for the
Police Department or Fire Department or both Depart-
ments jointly, of said City; said pension plan or plans
to be subject to the approval of a three-fourths vote of
the members of the Police Department or Fire Depart-
ment, or both, as the case may be.

Section 1. The Mayor and City Council of Cumber-
land, Maryland, a Municipal Corporation of the State of
Maryland, is hereby authorized to establish by Ordinance
or Ordinances, a pension plan or plans for the members
of the Police Department or Fire Department, of said
City, or for both said Departments jointly; however, before
said pension plan or plans, as the case may be, shall
become effective, the same shall be subject to the approval
of at least a three-fourths vote of the active members of
the Police Department or Fire Department or both, as the
case may be.

Section 2. Before the passage of said Ordinance or
Ordinances establishing a pension plan for the Police De-
partment or Fire Department, or both, the Mayor and
City Council of Cumberland, shall at its expense, cause
to have made, an actuarial study of the life expectancies
of the members of the Police and Fire Department and
secure recommendations of a competent actuarial author-
ity in this respect.

Section 3. The Pension Plan or Plans to be established
by Ordinance or Ordinances, shall provide, among other
features, if the same be deemed feasible and recommended
by the actuarial authority, for the following contingencies:

(a) Retirement pay for members after the age of 60
or 25 years service.

(b) Rate of contribution to be paid by the City and
the Pension Fund members.

(c) That if death of member occurs before retirement,
the contribution of the deceased member, together with
interest, are to be returned to the decedent's beneficiary or

(d) In the event the member commences upon his retire-
ment pay period, but dies before he has received in
annuity payments the amount of his contributions, with
interest, as they stood on the date of his retirement, the
balance of this amount shall be paid to his estate or to
such beneficiary as he may nominate.



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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 1633   View pdf image (33K)
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