which it is desired to maintain any amusement devices de-
scribed in Sub-section (a) of Section 84C hereof, may ob-
tain a license therefor upon application to the Clerk of the
Circuit Court of the County upon forms prescribed for that
purpose by the said clerk and upon payment of the pre-
scribed annual license fee of $150. 00 for each single unit
machine having but one slot or receptacle for the insertion
of a coin. Where the machine or device sought to be
licensed is a multiple slot or "console" variety, having
more than one receptacle for the insertion of coins, the
applicant shall pay an additional fee of $25. 00 for each
additional slot or receptacle. Applicants who own or oper-
ate hotels, summer resorts or any type of seasonal busi-
ness and who are not open for business the entire year
may obtain a "seasonal" license by the payment of a fee
of $150. 00 for each machine with a single slot or recep-
tacle sought to be licensed up to and including ten machines
and $75. 00 for each additional machine over ten. For
multiple slot or "console" machines the additional fee of
$25. 00 per slot shall be paid as prescribed by this sub-
section. The payment of said fees shall authorize the
owner or operator to maintain on such premises the
licensed machines from May 1 to October 1 in any year.
(b). Any person or firm who does not desire to main-
tain and operate any such amusement devices but merely
sell or lease the same, may obtain a license therefor upon
application to the said Clerk of Court and upon the pay-
ment of an annual license fee of $2, 000. 00, which license
shall only authorize him to sell or lease such amusement
machines or devices to licensees for the maintenance and
operation of such amusement machines under a license
authorized by this sub-title, except as authorized in Sub-
section (a) of this section.
(c). Said application shall be in writing under path and
shall set forth the name of the applicant, a description of
the premises where such amusement devices are sought
to be maintained, a description of the amusement devices
sought to be licensed, sold or leased and such other infor-
mation as the said Clerk may require, and no applicant
shall be eligible for the license provided in Sub-section (b)
above unless he shall have been a bona fide resident of
Charles County for five years preceding the date of his
application, and who shall have been a registered voter at
the last preceding election, and unless said applicant shall
state under oath that no other person, firm or corporation
is financially interested in the business to be conducted by
said licensee. Upon receipt of a properly executed applica-