(b). Every order of the Commission shall be served upon
every person or corporation to be affected thereby, either
by personal delivery of a certified copy thereof, or by mail-
ing a certified copy thereof, in a sealed package, with post-
age prepaid, to the person to be affected thereby; or, in the
case of a corporation, to any officer or agent thereof upon
whom summons may be served under the laws of this
State. It shall be the duty of every person and Corporation
to notify the Commission forthwith in writing of the re-
ceipt of the certified copy of every order so served, and
in the case of a corporation such notification must be signed
and acknowledged by a person or officer duly authorized
by the corporation to admit such service. Within a time
specified in the order of the Commission every person and
corporation upon whom it is served must, if so required
in the order, notify the Commission in like manner whether
the terms of the order are accepted and will be obeyed.
(c). All orders of the Commission shall take effect with-
in such reasonable time as it shall prescribe, and shall con-
tinue in force until its further order, or for a specified
period of time according as shall be prescribed in the order,
unless the same shall be suspended or modified, or set aside
by the Commission, or be suspended or set aside by a court
of competent jurisdiction.
(d). Any company, corporation, association, person or
partnership subject to any of the provisions of this sub-
title or other person or party in interest, including the
People's Counsel shall have the right to proceed in the
courts to vacate, set aside or have modified any order of
said Commission on the grounds that such order is un-
reasonable or unlawful, as hereinafter more particularly
set forth.
(e). Whenever the People's Counsel shall appeal from
an order of the Commission, he shall have the right and
power to use the services of the experts and other em-
ployees of the Commission as well as the records and other
facilities of the Commission in prosecuting such appeal.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act. shall
take effect June 1, 1949.
Approved May 6, 1949.