Juvenile Cases at his discretion. It shall be the duty of the
Probation Officer to inform himself or herself when any
child is to be brought before said Magistrate, to make in-
vestigations of all such cases, as the Court may direct, keep
a written record of such investigations and submit the
same to the Magistrate or deal with them as he may
direct, to be present before said Magistrate to repre-
sent the interest of the child when the case is heard,
to furnish said Magistrate with such information and
assistance as said Magistrate may require, to take
charge of such child before and after the trial if the
said Magistrate shall so direct, to keep informed con-
cerning the conduct and condition of each child under his
supervision and to report thereon to the Magistrate as he
may direct, to use all suitable methods to aid children on
probation and to bring about improvement in their conduct
and condition, and whenever such Probation Officer shall
have knowledge of any dependent, neglected or delinquent
child, it shall be the duty of such Officer to bring the same
to the attention of said Magistrate by Petition as herein-
before provided.
(b) Before qualifying as such, said Probation Officer
shall give bond to the State of Maryland in the penalty of
Two Thousand Dollars, with a surety or sureties to be ap-
proved by the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Washington
County, conditioned that he will well and faithfully per-
form and execute the duties of his office and that he will
account for and pay over to the Magistrate for Juvenile
Cases all money coming into his hands for or on account
of any business pertaining to or connected with the Juve-
nile Court. And the bond of said Probation Officer shall be
liable at the suit of the State of Maryland for the use of
the Magistrate for Juvenile Cases, the County Commis-
sioners of Washington County, and the Mayor and Council
of Hagerstown, and of any person, persons, corporation
or corporations entitled under any default of said
(c) In addition to the salary above provided for such
Probation Officer, he or she shall be allowed for all actual
and reasonable traveling expenses when in the discharge
of duties imposed by order of said Magistrate, to be paid
two-thirds by the County Commissioners of Washington
County and one-third by the Mayor and City Council of
Hagerstown, upon the approval and order of said Magis-
trate, and the County Commissioners of Washington Coun-
ty and the Mayor and City Council of Hagerstown, shall
and they are hereby vested with full power and authority