526 of the Acts of 1941 and Section 572 (a) having been
amended by Chapter 183 of the Acts of 1945, relating
to the compensation of the Magistrate for Juvenile
Cases, the Probation Officer, and Clerk of the Juvenile
Court and eliminating the provisions for deductions
from the funds collected through the Juvenile Court for
certain expenses of the Juvenile Court and certain pro-
visions relating to Circuit Court of Washington County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Genera I Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 562, 570, 571 and 572 (a) of Article 22 of
the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edi-
tion), title "Washington County, " sub-title "Juvenile
Court, " Sections 562, 570 and 571, having been enacted by
Chapter 526 of the Acts of 1941 and Section 572 (a) hav-
ing been amended by Chapter 183 of the Acts of 1945, be
and they are hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments, to read as follows:
562. Appointment of Magistrate:
In addition to the Justices of the Peace otherwise pro-
vided for by law applicable to Washington County, there
shall be appointed by the Governor, by and with the con-
sent of the Senate, and if the Senate shall not be in ses-
sion, by the Governor, from Washington County at large,
an additional Justice of the Peace, to fill the aforesaid
office of "Magistrate for Juvenile Cases, " whose term of
office shall begin on the first Monday of May, 1941, and
who shall thereafter be appointed in conformity with the
Constitution of this State, as in the case of other Justices
of the Peace. The said Magistrate shall be a member of
the Bar of the Circuit Court for Washington County and
shall not by reason of such appointment be debarred from
practicing law in any of the Courts of this State. The
salary of said Magistrate shall be Thirty-six Hundred
Dollars ($3, 600. 00) per annum, payable monthly, two-
thirds by the County Commissioners of Washington County
and the other one-third by the Mayor and Council of
570. (a) Appointment and removal of Probation Officer.
The Magistrate for Juvenile Cases shall appoint a Pro-
bation Officer, who may be either male or female, who shall
be paid in monthly installments, two-thirds by the County
Commissioners of Washington County, and one-third by
the Mayor and City Council of Hagerstown, a salary of
Twenty-four Hundred Dollars ($2400. ) per year and said
Probation Officer may be removed by the Magistrate for