appropriate to the construction, maintenance and operation
of public swimming pools. For the purpose of financing the
construction or acquisition of any such playground or recrea-
tional facilities, as defined in the next preceding section or
as herein defined, within Montgomery County, the Commis-
sion is hereby authorized and empowered to allocate two-
fifth's of the proceeds of the above mentioned Five Cent (5c)
tax to debt service on bonds which the Commission is hereby
authorized and empowered to issue and sell to provide
sufficient funds for the establishment, installation and de-
velopment of such playground and recreational facilities, in-
cluding the acquisition of land as sites therefor, the Com-
mission being hereby authorized unconditionally to pledge
the sums so allocated to the payment of the principal and
interest maturities of any such bonds so issued. The pro-
visions of Sections VI and VII of this Act shall, to the ex-
tent applicable, govern the authorization, issuance and sale
of the above described bonds and such bonds shall be issued
upon the full faith and credit of said Commission, and said
Commission shall pledge to the payment of the principal and
interest on such Bonds the special tax proceeds allocated for
that purpose as above provided, said proceeds to constitute
the primary source of payment of said principal and in-
terest and in no event shall said Commission issue any
bond as herein authorized in such a principal amount or
on such a maturity basis that the annual debt service re-
quirements thereof will exceed the portion of said tax so
allocated to debt service for the next ensuing fiscal year, as
estimated by the Treasurer of the Commission. The Com-
mission is hereby authorized to sell or otherwise dispose of
any such playground and recreational facilities which may no
longer be needed for public use and use the proceeds of any
such sale or other disposition for the construction, acquisi-
tion or improvement of any other playground or recreational
facilities in the County, and it is also authorized hereby to
exchange with the United States of America, the State of
Maryland or any other public body or agency any land held
or acquired by said Commission in its own name or in the
name of the State of Maryland for playground or recrea-
tional facilities, except park lands acquired by said Commis-
sion pursuant to an agreement with the National Capital
Park and Planning Commission, for any other land held or
acquired by the United States, the State of Maryland or any
other public body or agency and deemed by the Commission,
in its sole discretion, as more suitable for playground and
recreation purposes than the land held by it and so offered
in exchange. Any such exchange may be accompanied by a
partial cash consideration moving either to or from said