39. To the grant and conveyance of a ground rent of
Ninety-six Dollars ($96.00), reversionary interest in the lot
and improvements known as No. 2023 Rupp Street in Balti-
more City, State of Maryland, from Morris Harmatz and
wife to Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church of the
Fayette Street Station in the City of Baltimore, a body
corporate to the State of Maryland, by deed dated August
12th, 1948, and recorded among the Land Eecords of Balti-
more City in Liber M.L.P. No. 7538 folio 484.
40. To the grant and conveyance of a ground rent of
Ninety-six Dollars ($96.00), reversionary interest in the lot
and improvements known as No. 2021 Rupp Street in Balti-
more City, State of Maryland, from Morris Harmatz and
wife to Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church of the
Fayette Street Station in the City of Baltimore, a body cor-
porate of the State of Maryland, by deed dated August 30th,
1948, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
City in Liber M.L.P. No. 7555 folio 376.
41. To the grant and conveyance of fee simple property
fully described in a deed dated June 24th, 1936, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber S.C.L.
No. 5638 folio 286, from Laura V. Knight et al. to The
Trustees of Frederick Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church
South in the City of Baltimore, the said property being com-
monly known as Nos. 2616 and 2618 Frederick Avenue in
Baltimore City, State of Maryland. The said corporate
grantee is now known as Trustees of Frederick Avenue Meth-
odist Church, Inc. of Baltimore, Maryland.
42. To the following bequests under the Will of E. C.
Edith Kaufman, deceased, dated October 10th, 1941, duly
probated, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Wills
of Baltimore City in "Wills" Liber J.H.B. No. 228 folio 240:
(a) Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) unto the Trustees of
Frederick Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church South in
Baltimore, Maryland, a body corporate; the said church cor-
poration now being known as Trustees of Frederick Avenue
Methodist Church, Inc. of Baltimore, Maryland.
(b) One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) unto Wesley Bible
Class of Trustees of Frederick Avenue Methodist Episcopal
Church South in Baltimore, Maryland, a body corporate, now
known as Trustees of Frederick Avenue Methodist Church,
Inc., of Baltimore, Maryland.
43. To Deed from Albertus E. Myers and Wife to Pilgrim
Evangelical Lutheran Church dated June 1, 1948 and re-