2. To the conveyance from William R. Leaman and Evelyn
E. Leaman, his wife, to Convention of the Protestant Epis-
copal Church of the Diocese of Washington, dated July 22,
1948, and recorded July 28, 1948, in Liber 1172, at folio 146,
of the Montgomery County Land Records, conveying Lot 12,
and Parts of Lots 10, 11, and 13, in Block 4, in a sub-division
known as "R. B. Detricks' Subdivision of Original Lots 21,
22, and 23, of the Division of the Estate of Luraner Knowles
at Kensington", Montgomery County, Maryland, ratified by
the Legislature in the Omnibus Bill of this year.
3. To the conveyance from the Vestry of Saint Peter's
Protestant Episcopal Church of Ellicott City, Howard
County, Maryland, a body corporate, and another to the
Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese
of Maryland, a body corporate, and another, of four parcels
of land situate and lying in Howard County, the first parcel
as containing four thousand twenty-seven square feet of land,
more or less; the second parcel as containing one acre of
land, more or less; the third parcel as containing nineteen
thousand twenty-two square feet of land, more or less; and,
the fourth parcel as containing five hundred sixty-three one-
thousandths of an acre of land, more or less, together with an
easement as therein described, by deed dated October 29, 1948,
and recorded among the Land Records of said Howard Coun-
ty in Liber M. W. B., No. 207, folio 480, etc.
4. To the conveyance from Frank S. Parlette and E. Louisa
Parlette, his wife, to the Vestry of Saint Peter's Protestant
Episcopal Church of Ellicott City, Howard County, Mary-
land, a body corporate of a parcel of land containing five
hundred sixty-three one-thousandths of an acre of land, more
or less, situated in Howard County, Maryland, by deed dated
May 5, 1947, and recorded among the Land Records of said
Howard County in Liber M. W. B., No. 197, folio 443, etc.
5. To the conveyance from William T. Hood and others,
to The Poplar Springs Methodist Church, a body corporate,
of a parcel of land containing one and two hundred thirty-
three one-thousandths acres of land, more or less, situate in
said Howard County, by deed dated the 12th day of August
1947. and recorded among the Land Records of said Howard
County in Liber M. W. B., No. 203, folio 523, etc.
6. To the grant and deed executed by Josephine C. Bathon,
widow, to Saint John Baptist Church of Cherry Hill, Balti-
more, Maryland, dated December 31, 1948 and duly recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore City on December 31,
1948. conveying fee simple property located in Baltimore