SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 33 of Article 11 of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition), title "Frederick County",
sub-title "Brunswick", as said Section 33 was amended by
Chapter 740 of the Acts of 1943, be and it is hereby repealed
and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
33. The limits of said town of Brunswick begin at a stone
planted at the northeast corner of a culvert under the Chesa-
peake and Ohio Canal, said place of beginning being at the end
of the thirteenth line of a tract of land conveyed to the Heal
Estate and Improvement Company at Baltimore City by
Mary Gertrude Orrison, by deed dated December seventh,
eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and recorded among the
Land Records of Frederick County, in Liber W. I. P., number
nine, folio five hundred and eighty-six, etc., and running
thence with and binding reversely on the lines of the above
mentioned conveyance the following courses and distances,
to wit: North twenty-one and one-fourth degrees east, six
hundred and fifty-one and three-fourths feet to a stone; thence
north two and one-fourth degrees east, six hundred and sixty
feet to a stone; thence north one and one-fourth degrees east,
one hundred and seventy-three and one-fourth feet to a stone;
thence north, fifteen and three-fourth degrees east, two thou-
sand one hundred and twenty-eight and one-half feet to a
stone planted in the center of a lane leading to the property
owned by John Frazier, said stone being also planted at the
corner of said Frazier's property; thence with the center of
said lane north thirty-eight and one-fourth degrees west, ten
hundred and eighty-nine feet to a stone planted in the road
leading from Parker's Mill to the Town of Brunswick; thence
with said road north thirty-four degrees east, one hundred
and fifteen and one-half feet to a stone; thence north, sixty-
five degrees west ninety-five and seven-tenths feet to a stone;
thence north, sixty-seven degrees west, three hundred and
sixteen and eight tenths feet to a stone; thence north, twenty-
eight and one-fourth degrees west, six hundred and seventeen
and four-tenths feet to a stone; thence south, fifty-seven and
one-fourth degrees west, fifteen hundred and sixty-five feet to
a stone; thence north fifty-one and three-fourths degrees west
nine hundred and eighty feet to a stone, thence north, eleven
and one-half degrees west, thirteen hundred and eighteen feet
to a stone; thence north thirty-seven and one-half degrees
west, six hundred and eight-one feet to a stone; thence north
sixty-six degrees west, fifteen hundred and fifteen feet to a
stone; thence north fifty-three and one-half degrees west, five
hundred and fifty-eight feet to a stone; thence north, forty-
four and one-half degrees west, three hundred and thirty-