"Easton", as said section was amended by Chapter 335 of
the Acts of 1939, relating to the return on the invested
capital of a municipal electric plant and the cash reserve
funds of said plant.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 224 of Article 21 of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition), title "Talbot
County", sub-title "Easton", as said section was amended by
Chapter 335 of the Acts of 1939, be and it is hereby repealed
and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
224. (a) The said Easton Utilities Commission shall be
and is hereby directed and required to apply all the water
rents and other revenues which may be derived from the
water works and the revenue from the sewers, electric plant,
gas plant and any other utility or utilities, if any there be, to
pay the expenses of properly keeping up and operating said
systems or plants, respectively, as directed by this Act, and
shall, out of the gross revenue of such of the said munici-
pally owned revenue producing utilities upon which there be
a bonded indebtedness, pay over to the Mayor and Council
of Easton before the same shall become due and payable
such sum or sums as may, respectively, be required for the
payment of interest and for the redemption of the bonds
bearing against each system or utility, which payments are
to be continued through such period or periods as there may
be outstanding bonds bearing against such system or utility;
and if at any time the revenue shall be insufficient, as may
be determined by the said Easton Utilities Commission, for
conducting and operating the said water works, sewerage
system or electric plant, gas plant or other utilities, then
said Easton Utilities Commission shall have authority and
are hereby empowered to borrow for the utility or utilities
of which the revenues are insufficient from the funds of any
other utility having a surplus in hand and/or to draft upon
the Mayor and Council to meet such deficiency and said
Mayor and Council shall honor the same out of any funds
in their hands unappropriated to special purposes, and
should the Mayor and Council not have the necessary funds
or provision therefor to meet such drafts, then the Mayor and
Council are authorized and empowered to borrow on the
faith and credit of the town or raise by special tax the funds
necessary to meet the deficiency.
(b) The said Easton Utilities Commission are hereby
further directed and required to so revise from time to
time the rates, or the rate schedule, so far as may be found