(1947 Supplement), title "Fish and Fisheries", sub-title
"Further Regulations in County Waters", and to enact four
new sub-sections in lieu thereof, to stand in the place of
the sub-sections so repealed, relating to fishing in Balti-
more County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted 'by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Sub-sections (a) to (e), inclusive, of Section 32
of Article 39 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1947
Supplement), title 'Fish and Fisheries", sub-title "Further
Regulations in County Waters", be and they are hereby re-
pealed, and that four new sub-sections be and they are hereby
enacted in lieu thereof, to stand in the place of the sub-
sections so repealed, and all to read as follows:
(a) It shall be unlawful to fish with rod, hook and line,
from any boat or float of any kind two days prior to the
open season or seasons as promulgated by the Department of
Interior, for the hunting of wild waterfowl, and running
through and until the day following the closing of such
season or seasons, as so promulgated from year to year, in
the waters of Back River (except in that portion lying west
of a line drawn from Stansbury's Point on the south shore
to Walnut Point on the north shore); Sue Creek (except in
that portion lying west of a line drawn from the northeastern-
most point of Sue's Island to extremity of Rockaway Beach
road at the southern tip of Turkey Point); Hogpen Creek
(except in that portion lying southwest of natural headlands
marking entrance into said creek); Norman Creek (except in
that portion lying west of a line drawn from Cape May Beach
on the south shore to Barren Point on the north shore);
Middle River (except in that portion lying west of a line
drawn from Clark Point, also known as Maryland Yacht
Club Point, on the north shore to the point of shore directly
south of Clark Point); Darkhead Creek (except in that por-
tion lying north of a line drawn from Clark Point on the
west shore directly across said creek to Sharp Point on Bull
Neck shore); Stansbury's Creek (except in that portion lying
northwest of a line drawn from Wilson Point on south shore
to Strawberry Point on north shore); Frog Mortar Creek
(except in that portion lying northerly of a line drawn from
Strawberry Point on the west shore to Weiskettle's Landing
on the east shore); Seneca Creek (except in that portion lying
northwest of a line drawn from Gun Point on the north shore
directly south to Blackberry (or Flying) Point on the south
shore); Seneca River; Saltpeter Creek; Dundee Creek; and
in the waters of their tributaries.