on official ballots the question referred, as prescribed in said
resolution, and underneath said question the words "For
f........ Public Facilities Bond Issue of........ ", follow-
ed by a square or box, and on a separate line, underneath
the first such line, the words "Against f........ Public
Facilities Bond Issue of f......... ", likewise followed by a
square or box, so that each voter will be able to designate
by a cross-mark, in the proper square or box, his or her
ballot for or against the exercise of the power hereby con-
ferred on the County to the extent referred. In the blank
spaces following the dollar sign above, there shall, in each
instance, be inserted the par value of the bonds proposed
to be issued and in the blank spaces at the end of each
such quoted line to appear on said ballots, there shall be in-
serted the calendar year in which it is proposed to issue
the bonds referred. If a majority of the votes cast in any
such special or general election on said question referred
shall be in the affirmative, then the County shall have the
power to exercise the powers hereby conferred, to the extent
so approved. If a majority of the votes cast in any such
special or general election shall be in the negative, then said
County shall not exercise the power for which approval was
Every such referendum shall be conducted in all respects
in accordance with the laws of the State of Maryland gov-
erning the holding of general or special elections in Balti-
more County, at the time of the holding of any such refer-
endum, and in the event any such special or general election
shall be conducted on voting machines or by any other
mechanical method, only substantial compliance with the
provisions of the next preceding paragraph of this section
shall be required. The disapproval of the majority of the quali-
fied voters of the County voting on any one such referendum
shall not preclude the County from submitting the same or
a different request to exercise the authority conferred by
this Act in excess of the limitation prescribed in sub-para-
graph (b) of Section 3 hereof in a succeeding fiscal year, but
in no event shall more than one referendum under the pro-
visions of this section be held in any one fiscal year. The
County may, however, in anticipation of the construction of
public facilities in a succeeding fiscal year, hold a referen-
dum hereunder in one fiscal or calendar year and borrow the
money and issue the bonds approved at any such referendum
in the next succeeding fiscal or calendar year, provided only
that the question referred shall clearly indicate the calendar
year in which it is intended to borrow such money and issue
such bonds.