and shall be paid, each year in the manner and subject to
the limitations hereinafter provided, Twenty Dollars
($20. 00) a year multiplied by the number of pupils en-
rolled in all public schools in said counties and the City of
Baltimore. For the purpose of this section, the phrase
"number of pupils enrolled" shall mean the average num-
ber of pupils enrolled in public schools in the month having
the highest average pupil enrollment in the current school
year in which the payments provided for herein are to be
made. Provided, however, that the financial assistance
herein authorized shall not be available or given to any
county or to Baltimore City wherein any teacher receives
a salary lower than that established by Section 93 of this
The State Superintendent of Schools shall certify to the
Comptroller, on or before the last day of July and Septem-
ber, the tenth day of December, the last day of January,
March and May, one-sixth of the annual sum due the
County Board of Education of each county and the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore hereunder, and thereupon
the Comptroller shall within five days of the above said
dates draw his warrant on the Treasurer of the State of
Maryland for the respective amounts due to the said
Boards of Education, and the City of Baltimore, and the
Treasurer of the State of Maryland, upon receipt of said
warrants shall immediately pay the amount due on said
dates to said respective Boards of Education and the City
of Baltimore.
199C. (7) As soon as possible after the beginning of
the State school year it shall be the duty of the State
Superintendent of Schools to determine which of the coun-
ties or Baltimore City are qualified to participate in this
Incentive Fund. In determining that any county or Balti-
more City is qualified to participate in this Incentive Fund,
the State Superintendent of Schools shall make the fol-
lowing findings of fact: The number of pupils enrolled in
public schools in each such county and in Baltimore City;
the taxable basis of each such county and of Baltimore
City; the total levy above that required to pay the cost of
the State minimum program of education made by each
such county and by Baltimore City; the amount of tax
revenues raised in each such county and in Baltimore City
by the aforesaid levy; the fact that said tax revenues are
being or are to be dedicated by each such county and by
Baltimore City for the purpose specified by Sub-section (2)
of this section; and the fact that the county commissioners
of each county and the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more have allocated and credited to the Incentive Fund of