and at least five years preceding his election, a citizen of
the State, to the office of Sheriff. He shall hold office for
four years, and until his successor is duly elected and quali-
fied; shall give such bond, exercise such powers and perform
such duties as now are or may hereafter be fixed by law.
In the City of Baltimore at the general election to be
held in the year 1946 and every four years thereafter,
there shall be elected in said City of Baltimore, one
person who shall be a resident of said city, above the age
of twenty-five years, and who shall have been at least five
years preceding his election a citizen of this state, to the
office of Sheriff. He shall hold his office for four years, and
until his successor is duly elected and qualified; shall be
eligible for re-election; shall give such bond, exercise such
powers and perform such duties as now are or may here-
after be fixed by law.
In case of vacancy by death, resignation, refusal to serve,
or neglect to qualify, or give bond, or by disqualification
or removal from the County or City, the Governor shall
appoint a person to be Sheriff for the remainder of the
official term.
The Sheriff in each county and in Baltimore City shall
receive such salary or compensation and such expenses
necessary to the conduct of his office as may be fixed by
law; provided, that the salary of the Sheriff in Baltimore
City shall be seven thousand five hundred dollars
($7, 500. 00) per year. All fees collected by the Sheriff shall
be accounted for and paid to the Treasury of the several
counties and of Baltimore City, respectively.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That said aforegoing
section hereby proposed as an amendment to the Consti-
tution of the State of Maryland shall, at the next general
election to be held in November, 1946, be submitted to the
legal and qualified voters of the State, for their adoption
or rejection, in pursuance of the directions contained in
Article 14 of the Constitution of the State of Maryland,
and at the said general election the vote on the said pro-
posed amendment to the Constitution shall be by ballot,
and upon each ballot there shall be printed the words "For
the Constitutional Amendment, " and "Against the Consti-
tutional Amendment, " as now provided by law, and imme-
diately after said election due returns shall be made to the
Governor of the vote for and against the said proposed
amendment, as directed by said Fourteenth Article of the
Constitution, and further proceedings had in accordance
with said Article.
Approved April 27, 1945.