assessed on the books of the town of St. Michaels in not less
than the sum of Five Hundred ($500. 00) Dollars.
487. (a) It shall be the duty of the Commissioners of St.
Michaels on or before June 1st, 1945, to appoint three registered
voters of the town of St. Michaels, to wit: Howard W. Caulk,
William C. Mills and Joseph Caulk to serve respectively for the
remainder of one, two and three years, each from June 1st,
1945, as Utility Commission of St. Michaels, which Commission
shall have charge of the municipal lighting plant or system,
and shall each successive year thereafter appoint from the
registered voters of St. Michaels one Utilities Commissioner
to serve for three years from Jan. 1st of the year for which
he shall be appointed, but if a vacancy shall occur at any time
by reason of death, resignation, removal from office or other-
wise, the vacancy shall be filled by the Commissioners of St.
Michaels in the same way as provided for in the original
appointment, by the appointment of a suitable person to
serve for the remainder of the term of the member by whose
death, resignation, removal from office the vacancy was created.
(b) The Commission shall have full charge of the operation,
management and maintenance of the municipal lighting plant
or system of St. Michaels, including the power to make con-
tracts in the name of the Commissioners of St. Michaels, to sue
in the name of the Commissioners of St. Michaels, for the collec-
tion of any or all indebtedness due said Commission, or for the
performance of contracts made with the Commission; to pur-
chase material, employ all such assistants, skilled or unskilled,
and labor as may be necessary for the proper performance of
the duties, and to fix their compensation; to make such rules
and regulations for the management of said electrical plant or
system under their charge and for their own government as they
deem proper, to make extensions, additions or improvements to
the plant or system, provided the approval of the Commission-
ers of St. Michaels shall be first secured, where the costs of such
extension, addition or improvements exceed five hundred
(1500. 00) dollars and provided that where the aggregate cost
of any extension, addition or improvement shall exceed two
hundred ($200. 00) dollars the Commission shall secure com-
petitive bids for the purchase of all material for the use of
the plant or system under their control including fuel, and
the contract shall be awarded to the lowest bidder, based on
the specifications upon which the respective bids are invited;
to fix and revise rates, provided that no revision of the rates
shall become effective, nor any other rates which may there-
after be made until, by formal resolution, approved by the
Commissioners of St. Michaels and provided further that the
Commission shall give at least 15 days7 previous notice, by
publication in some newspaper published in the Town of St.