follow, immediately after Section 84 of said Article and to
be known as Section 84A, authorizing the Mayor, Counselor
and Aldermen of the City of Annapolis to prohibit opening
or digging up of any sidewalk or alley in the City of Annap-
olis without haying first obtained a permit from City author-
ities and having deposited funds with the City as security
for replacing or restoring such sidewalk or alley.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That a new section be and it is hereby added to Article 2
of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition),
title "Anne Arundel County", sub-title "Annapolis", said new
section to follow immediately after Section 84 of said Article,
to be known as Section 84A, and to read as follows:
84A. The Mayor, Counselor and Aldermen of the City of
Annapolis are hereby authorized and empowered to provide
by ordinance that no person, firm, association, or. corporation
shall open or dig up any sidewalk or alley in the City of
Annapolis without having first obtained a permit therefor to
be issued by the City Clerk only with the approval of the City
Commissioner or other agencies of the City as may be desig-
nated in the ordinance, and upon such terms and conditions
as may be prescribed by ordinance; and are hereby further
authorized and empowered to enact by ordinance that no such
permit shall be granted unless the applicant therefor shall
have deposited with the City Clerk in cash or such other
security as may be specified in such ordinance a sum of money
which, in the judgment of the City Commissioner or other
agency designated in the ordinance will be sufficient to pay
all costs of replacing or restoring said sidewalk or alley to a
condition satisfactory to the City Commissioner or other
agencies designated in the ordinance, and to provide that
said deposit shall be returned to the depositor upon replacing
or restoring said sidewalk or alley to the satisfaction of the
City Commissioner or other designated agency of the City,
within a time limit to be stated in the permit, and otherwise
to be applied by the City Commissioner or other agencies in
having the sidewalk or alley replaced or restored, and the
applicant for the permit, and the owner of the premises if
the sidewalk or alley was dug up or opened with his express
or implied consent, and any other persons legally liable, shall
be liable to the Mayor, Counselor and Aldermen of the City of
Annapolis for any insufficiency of the deposit to pay the costs
of properly replacing or restoring the sidewalk or alley and
for any and all other expenses or damages that the City may
incur by reason of the failure to restore said sidewalk or alley
properly and to the satisfaction of the City Commissioner or
other agencies within the time limited. The Mayor, Counselor