Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
General Assembly recommend to the Governor that all persons
who have been paroled and have served in the Armed Forces
of the United States during the present World War, shall upon
retirement from such service with an honorable discharge, be
granted a pardon by the Governor.
Approved March 16, 1945.
NO. 4.
(Senate Joint Resolution 8)
A Joint Resolution relating to the inlet at Ocean City,
Worcester County, Maryland.
WHEREAS, it appears that the inlet leading from the Atlantic
Ocean into the Sinepuxent Bay at Ocean City, Worcester
County, Maryland, has recently become shallowed to the extent
that its depth of water is now insufficient for the safe passage
between the Ocean and bay of fishing crafts which frequent
the excellent fishing banks off that shore, and are in conse-
quence deprived of a nearby port for the disposal of their catch
and of an accessible harbor in case of storm, resulting further
in the loss of an increasing business to that port and com-
munity; and
WHEREAS, the present condition of said inlet seriously im-
pairs, and is detrimental to its full usefulness and has now
become a serious hazard to those attempting to use this inlet;
therefore be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Secretary of War of the United States be and he is hereby
requested to provide, as promptly as may be possible, for the
deepening of the inlet leading from the Atlantic Ocean into
the Sinepuxent Bay at Ocean City, Worcester County, Mary-
land; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of the State of Maryland be and
he is hereby requested to transmit under the Great Seal of
the State, a copy of the aforegoing resolution to the Secretary
of War of the United States and to each of the Representatives
from Maryland in both Houses of Congress.
Approved March 24, 1945.