proposed, would, by competitive and extraneous influences,
rend the common heritage of naval officers, the tradition of
Annapolis brotherhood; and
WHEREAS, It is the conviction of the General Assembly of the
State of Maryland that there is available in Annapolis, Mary-
land contiguous to the present reservation, adequate areas to
accommodate expansion of the United States Naval Academy
to a dimension that will permit the training of sufficient officers
for the post-war Navy; now therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate and the House of Delegates of the
General Assembly of the State of Maryland, That the most sin-
cere congratulations be extended by the State of Maryland to
the United States Naval Academy on this the occasion of its
centennial, together with an expression of the convictions that
the accomplishments of the future will equal those of the Naval
Academy's glorious history, and that the cordial spirit char-
acterizing the State relations with the Naval Academy will
continue through the years; and be it further
Resolved, That it is the conviction of the General Assembly
of the State of Maryland that facilities for the training and
education of such additional officers as the United States Navy
may need can, and should, be established, with obvious spiritual
and economic advantages, by expansion of the United States
Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland, where it was founded
and where, in the century being rounded, it already has ex-
panded many times; and be it further
Resolved, That this resolution be spread upon the journals
of the Senate and House of Delegates, that copies be presented
the Superintendent of the Naval Academy, the Secretary of the
Navy and the Senators and Representatives of the State of
Maryland in the Congress of the United States, and that by
this Resolution the State of Maryland Delegations in the
Senate and the House of Representatives of the Congress are
petitioned to lend every aid to the retention of the Nation's
one Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.
Approved March 8, 1945.
NO. 2.
(House Joint Resolution 2)
A Joint Resolution requesting the Governor to include a suffi-
cient amount in the Supplemental Budget to refund to the