NO. 1.
(House Joint Resolution 3)
A Joint Resolution by the Maryland General Assembly con-
gratulating the United States Naval Academy on the ap-
proaching 100th Anniversary of its founding, and expressing
the hope that the present Naval Academy will be expanded
to meet any further need by the Navy for officer personnel.
WHEREAS,, The United States Naval Academy, the home of
naval officers, will on October 10, 1945, attain the One Hun-
dredth Anniversary of its founding at Fort Severn, in Annap-
olis, Maryland; and
WHEREAS,, The State of Maryland shares The Nation's deep
appreciation of the achievements and accomplishments of the
United States Navy, and is warmly sensible to the essential
part played in such achievements and accomplishments by the
Naval Academy in its century's service of training the officers
of the United States Navy; and
WHEREAS, The State of Maryland esteems the decision of the
many Naval Academy men electing to become legal residents
of Maryland, some commencing as midshipmen and continuing
as officers with their families when in duty residence, and
frequently consummated by their adoption of the State for
permanent residence at the time of retirement from the United
States Navy, with the result that the State has gained in these
citizens valuable leadership, experience, and cosmopolitan
views and knowledge, all in keeping with the highest standards
and traditions of Maryland; and
WHEREAS, The State of Maryland enjoys the most cordial
and co-operative relations with the Administration of the
United States Naval Academy and with the Regiment of Mid-
shipmen; and
WHEREAS, It is the sense of the General Assembly of the
State of Maryland that to establish supplemental institutions
apart from the century old home of the Naval Academy in
order to provide increased needs for naval officers, as has been