1936 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [CH. 1084
(c) to Society for the Propagation of the Faith of Baltimore
101. To deed from the Riviera Beach Development Company
to Most Keverend Michael J. Curley, Roman Catholic Arch-
bishop of Baltimore, etc., a corporation sole, dated January
28, 1944 and recorded among the Land Records of Anne Arun-
del County in Liber J. H. H. No. 307, folio 377.
102. To deed from The Associated Professors of St. Mary's
Seminary and The Trustees of St. Charles7 College, to Most
Reverend Michael J. Curley, Roman Catholic Archbishop of
Baltimore, etc., a corporate sole, dated September 26, 1944
and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in
Liber M. L. P. No. 6654, folio 120.
103. To bequest of $10,000.00 to The Christ Lutheran
Church of Bethesda, Montgomery County contained in Will of
Annie R. Riggles, recorded in District of Columbia in Wills
322, folio 581.
104. To deed from the Presbyterian Association to the
Trustees of the Presbytery of Baltimore dated October 11,
1944 and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City
in Liber M. L. P. No. 6658, folio 227, conveying in fee simple
a lot on the southeast corner of Ashland Avenue and Washing-
ton Street, with the improvements thereon, more particu-
larly described in said deed.
105. To deed from Milton R. Lerch Realty Company to the
Trustees of the Presbytery of Baltimore dated February 7,
1945 and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City
in Liber M. L. P. No. 6696, folio 592, conveying in fee simple
five unimproved lots, Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, in Section K of the
Plat of Hamilton Villas, more particularly described in said
106. To the bequests of Defense Savings Bonds contained
in the Last Will and Testament of Pauline E. Robier, deceased,
late of Baltimore City, of record in the Office of the Register
of Wills for said city in Wills Liber J. H. B. No, 215, folio 152,
to the Vestry of the Bishop Cummins Memorial Church of the
City of Baltimore, a body corporate, and to the Vestry of the
Church of the Messiah, a body corporate.
107. To gift from Edwin W. Lowe to the Evangelical
Lutheran Association of Augsburg Home for Orphans' and the
Aged, |200.00; to St. Martin's Day Nursery $100.00; and to
Mt. Hebron Baptist Church (colored), $300.00.