SEC. 15. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Common Council shall have power to enact all just and reason-
able ordinances, consistent with the laws of this State, to
make effective all of the provisions of this Charter; to pro-
vide the Town with good government, to preserve the public
order, and to safeguard the health, morals, and general wel-
fare of its citizens; to license, in a manner and in such inci-
dents consistent with the Public General and Local Laws
of Maryland, for the purposes of regulations and revenue and
to protect the health, safety, and morals of the citizens of the
Town, all and every kind of business transacted or carried on
within the Town, and to fix the rate of licenses upon the same
in an amount not to exceed $25. 00 in each case, and to provide
for the collection thereof by suit or otherwise.
(b) To give full force and effect to the powers and authority
conferred on the Mayor and Common Council, they may pro-
vide for the enforcement of such ordinances by reasonable
fines and penalties not to exceed |50. 00 in any one case as
may appear to them right, and they may recover said fines
or penalty by action of debt, and in addition thereto any
offender in default of fine may be. imprisoned until the fine be
paid not exceeding 30 days, imprisonment in all cases to be
in the Town lock-up if one be provided, or in the County Jail,
and the Sheriff or Chief of Police? of Prince George's County
shall receive and confine any person so committed as now pro-
vided by law. All such Town cases shall be tried in the Trial
Magistrate's Court for Prince George's County, as now pro-
vided by law.
SEC. 16. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Common Council shall have full power and authority to levy
annually upon all the property of the Town, subject to assess
ment and tax for State and County purposes, such taxes as at
such rates as may be necessary, in its judgment, for the antici-
pated expenses of the next succeeding fiscal year, not to exceed
$0. 25 on the One Hundred ($100) Dollars assessed valuation.
(b) Beal property, within the Town of College Park, having
the character of rural and undeveloped and unimproved land,
woodland, or land primarily for farming purposes shall be a
class of property and a rate of tax may be levied thereon differ-
ent from the rate to be levied on all other property within the
Town, and said different rate of tax on said class shall in
no case exceed $0. 10 on the One Hundred ($100) Dollars
assessed valuation.
(c) All taxes levied under this section shall be a lien on
any and all property of the person, company, or corporation
against whom they are levied, and the Mayor and Common
Council shall by ordinance or resolution provide for the sys-