College Park", and to define its boundaries; to provide for
the government thereof and to define its powers; to provide
for the construction, maintenance, and repairs of streets,
highways, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters within its bound-,
aries; to provide for the issuance of evidences of indebtedness
on the credit of the Town for the purpose of such construc-
tion, and to levy taxes and special assessments for the pay-
ment of same; to provide for the levying and collection of
taxes on property for the payment of the cost of operation
and regulation of said Town and for other purposes; to pro-
vide for the issuance of licenses to do business within the
boundaries of said Town; to levy fines and penalties and
enforce their collections; and to provide for a referendum.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary.
land, That the citizens residing within the communities gen-
erally herebefore known as "Berwyn", "Lakeland", "College
Park", and "Calvert Hills", including the adjacent area to
the south in Prince George's County are hereby made a body
corporate, by the name and style of the "Town of College
Park" and by that name shall have perpetual succession, may
sue and be sued, have and use a common seal, execute con-
tracts, purchase and hold real, personal, and mixed property
for municipal purposes, sell and dispose of same for the benefit
of said Town, and be vested with the power of eminent domain
to condemn and convert property to the public use of the
Town for the purposes of widening or constructing streets,
widening or constructing sidewalks and for drainage projects,
in the manner and procedure as is, or shall be, provided by
the laws of this State for State and County purposes.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the corporate limits
and boundaries of said Town shall be as follows:
The Boundaries of said Town shall be as follows: To include
certain properties lying within the Riverdale and Berwyn Dis-
tricts, Prince George's County, Maryland, and as described in
the following metes and bounds: Beginning for the same on the
western line of the Baltimore-Washington Boulevard, U. S.
Route No. 1 (60 feet wide), at a stone about 200 feet north of
the line between the Riverdale (No. 19) and Berwyn (No. 21)
Districts, said stone being the southeast end of the S. 53°-59'
E. 2846. 6 feet line (eleventh) of Mueller to Gilbert dated
September 18, 1918 and recorded in Liber 134 at Folio 311 of
the Land Records of Prince George's County, and running by
and with the said line, reversed, N. 53°-59' W. 2846. 6 feet to a
stone; thence continuing N. 53°-59' W. along the prolongation
of the said eleventh line of Mueller to Gilbert, reversed, to its
intersection with the prolongation of the present western
boundary of the University of Maryland property extended in