"Corporations, " sub-title "Amendments after Organiza-
tion, " said new section to be known as Section 29A, to fol-
low immediately after Section 29 of said Article, and to
read as follows:
29A. In addition to the manner provided in Section 29
of this Article, any charter amendments permitted by this
Article may be made by the governing body or board of any
corporation having no capital stock, in the following man-
ner: the governing body or board of such corporation
shall pass a resolution declaring such amendment or amend-
ments is or are advisable and naming a date at least thirty
days thereafter for a meeting of the members of such cor-
poration to act on said proposed changes. Notice of the
adoption of such resolution, the text of the proposed amend-
ment or amendments, and the date of the meeting of the
members to act thereon shall be published in a newspaper
of general circulation in the city or county wherein the
main office of the corporation is located for at least two
successive weeks and said publication shall advise the mem-
bers of their right to protest against the adoption of such
amendment or amendments by a notice in writing to that
effect or by voting in the negative at said meeting. In lieu
of notice by publication, each member may be given written
or printed notice, by mail, at least ten days prior -to the
said meeting. Unless more than one-third of the members
protest or vote against said amendment or amendments to
the charter, in person, by proxy, or in writing, at or by
the time of the meeting, the governing body or board of
such corporation shall have full power and authority to
declare said amendment or amendments adopted and there-
upon the provisions established by Section 29 of this Article
shall be followed as if said amendment or amendments had
been adopted in the manner therein prescribed.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1945.
Approved May 4, 1945.
(Senate Bill 639)
AN ACT providing for a program of construction projects for
State Institutions and Agencies in connection with Post-
War Reconstruction and Redevelopment, designating the