shall be paid in each instance, actually necessary for carry-
ing out the purposes and requirements of this sub-title,
and unless the Governor shall thereupon approve in writing
such appointment or employment, and such compensation
or annual salary or salaries. If in any case the commission
cannot ascertain in advance the value of any service to be
rendered to it or the proper compensation to be paid there-
for, it shall certify such fact to the Governor, who may
authorize the employment or acquisition of the service in
question, leaving the value or compensation thereof to be
ascertained by subsequent agreement or adjustment.
(i) Each commissioner and each person appointed to
office or employment by the Governor or by the commission,
with the approval of the Governor, shall before entering
upon the duties of his office or employment, take and sub-
scribe to the constitutional oath of office. No person shall
be eligible for appointment or shall hold the office of com-
missioner, or be appointed by the commission to or hold
any office or position under the commission, who holds any
official relation to any common carrier, railroad corpora-
tion, street railroad corporation, gas corporation, electrical
corporation, telephone corporation, telegraph corporation,
water company, heat and refrigerating company, transpor-
tation of property or freight company, or other public
service corporation subject, to any of the provisions of this
sub-title, or who owns stock or bonds therein or who has
any pecuniary interests therein.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1945.
Approved May 4, 1945.
(Senate Bill 637)
AN ACT to add a new section to Article 23 of the Anno-
tated Code of Maryland (1939 Edition), title "Corpora-
tions, " sub-title "Amendments after Organization, " said
new section to be known as Section 29A, and to follow
immediately after Section 29 of said Article, relating
to the amendment of charters of non-stock corporations.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That a new section be and it is hereby added to Article 23
of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1939 Edition), title