SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That all laws, or
parts of laws, whether Public General or Public Local
Laws, inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, be and
they are hereby repealed to the extent of such incon-
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1945.
Approved May 4, 1945.
(Senate Bill 492)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 5
of Article 88B of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1943
Supp. ), title "State Police", and Section 31 of said Article
and title, sub-title "Tensions".
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 5 of Article 88B of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1943 Supp. ), title "State Police", be and the
same is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments'
so as to read as follows:
5. The Superintendent may establish and maintain a
classification of ranks and grades for the police employees
of the Department as follows: Major (1); Captains (2),
one to be designated as Senior Captain; Lieutenants (7);
Medical Examiner (1); Sergeant Major (1); First Ser-
geants (9); Detective Sergeants (6); Quartermaster Ser-
geant (1); Sergeant Mechanic (1); Sergeants (17); Cor-
porals (18); Officers First Class (26); and Officers (91).
The number of police employees in each such rank and
grade shall be that appearing in parentheses after each
rank and grade set forth above; provided, however, that
such number may be increased by the Superintendent, from
time to time, in such number as the Budget or Budget
Amendment or Amendments may from time to time pro-
vide. Such additional police employees shall be appointed
only in accordance with the provisions of Sections 10 and
11 of this Article. The Superintendent shall be authorized
to establish such additional ranks and grades for the police
employees as may be required from time to time to carry
on efficiently work of the Department and the number of
police employees in such additional ranks and grades shall