Trustees of the Employees' Retirement System, which the
payroll of the members employed by such participating
municipal corporation bears to the aggregate of the pay-
roll of all members.
(d) An amount certified pursuant to this sub-title by
said Board of Trustees to the chief fiscal officer of a par-
ticipating municipal corporation shall be included in the
next budget, appropriation or levy of such participating
municipal corporation subsequent to such certification by
said Board of Trustees and shall be levied and collected in
the same manner as other taxes.
(e) The treasurer or proper fiscal officer of each par-
ticipating municipal corporation shall pay to the said Board
of Trustees the amount of the charges certified to such
participating municipal corporation by said Board of
Trustees as above provided and the amount of the deduc-
tions from the compensation of the members who are offi-
cers or employees of such participating municipal corpo-
ration. The payments of the amounts so certified by the
Board of Trustees shall be made within thirty days after
the receipt of such certificate and the payments of deduc-
tions from compensation of employees shall be made when
said employees are paid.
(f) On receipt of the payments from the treasurer or
other officer of each participating municipal corporation,
the custodian of the funds of the Employees' Retirement
System of the State, shall credit such amounts to the
appropriate fund, funds, account or accounts of said Re-
tirement System.
23. (Retirement Benefits. ) Employees of participating
municipal corporations on behalf of whom contributions
are paid as hereinabove provided shall be entitled to all
the benefits under the Employees' Retirement System of
the State as though they were State employes.
24. If any section, clause or part of a section of this
sub-title shall for any reason be adjudged by any court of
competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid,
such adjudication shall not affect or invalidate the re-
mainder thereof.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect January 1, 1947.
Approved May 4, 1945.