over the said community or area; and such cases provide rec-
reational facilities in buildings not under the Commission's
jurisdiction, provided community assistance to the project
is made available through county, municipal or other public
or private contributions.
E. The Commission is authorized to establish a merit sys-
tem or civil service for the technical staff and other employees
of the Commission, and to promulgate rules and regulations
for its administration. The Commission is authorized to in-
clude in such permanent civil service and merit system such
members of the technical staff and other employees of the Com-
mission as the Commission may in its discretion decide, except
that the members of the Commission, the General Counsel and
the Secretary Treasurer shall not be included in such per-
manent civil services or merit system. When such civil service
and merit system is so established by resolution of the Com-
mission, it can only be repealed and discontinued by an act of
the General Assembly of Maryland. Any changes or amend-
ments proposed for such permanent civil service or merit sys-
tem by the Commission, once such permanent civil service and
merit system has been so established, shall be approved by
the State Employment Commissioner of the State of Mary-
land before such changes or amendments shall become effective.
F. On the recommendation of the Vice-Chairman and Park
Commissioner, the Commission may appoint such park police
officers as may be necessary to protect the park system and the
public recreational program herein authorized. The said park
police shall have concurrent general police jurisdiction with
the Montgomery County Police within the parks and other areas
and within buildings, under the Commission's jurisdiction or
in which any part of the said public recreational program is in
effect. The said park police shall possess all the powers and
authority vested by existing law in the Montgomery County
Police; but they shall be responsible to and under the super-
vision of the Vice-Chairman and Park Commissioner and shall
exercise supervisory jurisdiction over the park system, the
conduct of the public recreational program and the adminis-
tration of the Regulations of the Commission. The Mont-
gomery County Police shall have the same general police juris-
diction and responsibility for the apprehension of criminals
and detection of crime within the parks and other areas and
buildings under the Commission's jurisdiction which they have
elsewhere in Montgomery County; and Section 780 sub-title
"Police'' of Article 16 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland is hereby repealed to the extent to which it may be
inconsistent with or contrary to the provisions of this Act.