of said election in each of said counties and legislative dis-
(7) The several delegations from each county and legislative
district in the State shall be required to cast their votes on each
and every ballot in the State convention with respect to the
instruction and the votes in the national convention of the dele-
gates sent from Maryland by such State convention to the na-
tional convention for President in accordance with the instruc-
tions received from the voters in each of the several counties
and legislative districts as certified in their credentials by the
respective Supervisors of Elections of said counties and legis-
lative districts, respectively, and such delegates from each of
said counties and legislative districts shall continue so to vote
in the State convention for the choice of their several counties
and legislative districts as aforesaid, as long as in their con-
scientious judgment there is any possibility of said choice ob-
taining a majority of the votes of the State convention and as
long as said choice is voted for by the delegates of any nine
counties of Maryland in said convention, any legislative dis-
trict of Baltimore City to be taken and considered for such
purpose as the equivalent of a county.
After taking such number of ballots in said State convention
as may be necessary to show or ascertain a majority of said
entire State convention for any one candidate for President
the chairman of said convention shall announce that the per-
son so receiving such majority of the votes of all the delegates
in said State convention for President has been chosen by the
voters of the party holding such State convention of the State
of Maryland as their choice for candidate for President in the
national convention for such political party, and all the dele-
gates of such party selected by such State convention to the na-
tional convention of such party from the State of Maryland
shall be instructed and bound to vote as a unit in the national
convention for such candidate for President so selected as the
choice of the State of Maryland as aforesaid, and such dele-
gates shall continue to vote in such national convention for the
choice of the State of Maryland, as aforesaid, for President as
long as in their conscientious judgment there is any possibility
of his being nominated.
(8) The delegates from the several counties of the State and
legislative districts of Baltimore City to the State convention
held to select and deputize delegates from Maryland of said
several political parties to their respective national conven-
tions shall be elected by the direct votes of the qualified voters
of each of said political parties in each of said counties and
legislative districts in the manner prescribed by this sub-title
for the nomination of candidates for public office and delegates
to conventions in primary election by the direct vote.