Broad River and Irish Creek—All those waters lying
landward or upstream of a straight line drawn from Nelson
Point to Benoni Point.
Tred Avon River and Island Creek—All those waters
lying landward or upstream of a straight line joining Benoni
Point and Chlora Point.
Those tributaries reserved for exclusive use of Dorchester
County shall be defined as follows:
Brannock Bay—inshore of a straight line joining Hills
Point and Cook Point.
Cook Point Cove—inshore of a straight line drawn from
the end of Cook Point to Todd Point.
Todd Bay—inshore of a straight line drawn from Todd
Point to the end of Castlehaven Point.
LeCompte Bay—inshore of a straight line drawn from
the end of Castlehaven Point to Horn Point.
(k) Patent Tongs. It shall be unlawful to use or employ
any patent tongs to take or catch oysters in any of the follow-
ing waters: Queen Anne's, Talbot, Anne Arundel, Dorchester
and Kent Counties, except on Swann Point Bar and Light-
house Lump; or in the Patuxent River above and north of a
straight line joining Sotterly Wharf and St. Leonards
Beacon; or within one and one-half miles of Sandy Point,
Hackett's Point, Thomas' Point, Holland's Point Bar and
Three Sisters Bar; or in the tributaries of the Potomac River
in St. Mary's County.
(1) Dredges on Tong Boats and Tonging Licenses on Dredge
Boats. No person licensed to take or catch oysters with tongs
shall have aboard the boat from which he is tonging any
dredge, as defined in this Article, or any device other than
tongs for taking or catching oysters; and no license to take
or catch oysters with tongs shall be used on any boat licensed
to take or catch oysters with dredge.
(m) Privileges of a Tonging License—Season. A tonging
license shall authorize the holder thereof to take or catch
oysters by tongs or patent tongs from the first day of Sep-
tember of the year in which such license may have been ob-
tained to the fifteenth day of April, inclusive, next succceed-
ing, with the following exceptions where the season for taking
oysters with tongs or patent tongs shall be as follows:
Patuxent River............ October 1 to March 31, inclusive
Dorchester County......... October 1 to April 15, inclusive
Choptank. River............ September 1 to April 15, inclusive