324. An act to incorporate the Farmers and Mechanics'
Marine Railway Company of Sharpstown, Somerset county.
325. An act entitled, an act to amend the 61st, 62d, 63d,
64th, 65th, 66th, 67th, 68th and 69th sections of article 55,
of the Code of Public General Laws, relating to licences for
the sale of spiritous fermented liquors by retailers, and to
amend the 86th, 87th, 88th, 89th, 90th, 91st, 92d, 93d, 94th
sections of article 55, of the Code of Public General Laws,
relating to licenses to oyster eating-houses.
326. An act to authorise and direct the State's attorney for
Baltimore city, Baltimore county, Anne Arundel county, and
Prince George's county, to institute proceedings to forfeit the
charter of the president, managers and company of the Wash-
ington and Baltimore turnpike road.
327. An act to incorporate the Patuxent Express Steam
Navigation Company.
328. An act to incorporate the Patapsco Gas Light Com-
pany of Ellicott's Mills.
329. An act to give Samuel T. Stonestreet, trustee of Silas
Browning, late sheriff of Montgomery county, further time^
to complete his collections.
330. An act entitled, an act to repeal the 58th, 59th, 60th,
61st, 62d, 63d, 64th, 65th, 66th, 67th, 68th and 69th sections of
article 4 of the Code of Public Local Laws of this State, relating
to schools in Calvert county, and provide for the establish-
ment of a uniform system of free schools in said county.
331. An act appropriating a sum of money for the pay-
ment of the claims of J. S. Dawson, Charles H. Mann, the
President of the Baltimore and Susquehanna Steam Company,
Montgomery Johns, executor of John Johns, Reuben Sum-
mers, and John G. Hanshaw, against the State. +
332. An act adding a small portion of Frederick and
Buckeystown election districts, of Frederick county, to Jef-
erson district of said county.
333. An act appropriating a sum of money for the pay-
ment of the claims of Dennis H. Maynard, Thomas J. Keat-
ing, Joseph H. Skinner, John Schofield, S. E. Sullivan,
Edwin W. Duvall, N. I. Worthington, George Dutton-
Samuel S. Riley, N. Brewer, The Annapolis Gas Light Com,
pany, Thomas Ireland, and George Jacobi.
334. An act adding the following sections to the Public
Local Laws of Baltimore city, to provide the mode of calling