313. An act to authorize the Treasurer of this State,
upon the warrant of the Comptroller, to pay a sum of
money to John D. Ehlers, a private in the Baltimore City
Guards, who was seriously injured during the riots on the
main stem of Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, in the month
of May, in the year 1857, and appropriating the sum of two
hundred dollars in full payment thereof.
314. An act to amend the 97th section of the 3rd article of
the Code of Public Local Laws, relating to elections in Balti-
more county, by directing that elections shall be held at such
places as shall or may hereafter be established by law.
31B. An act to amend article four of the Code of Pub-
lic Local Laws, by adding thereto the following new sec-
tions, relating to the crier of the Superior Court for Baltimore
316. An act authorizing the State Librarian to furnish the
clerk of the Circuit Court of Worcester county with certain
acts of Assembly, and Alexander's Chancery Practice.
317. A supplement to the act entitled, an act to incorpo-
rate the Franklin Savings Bank of Frederick.
318. An act to provide for the building of a new school
house in school district number twenty-four of Anne Arun-
del county.
319. An act to incorporate the South-Western Mutual
Insurance Company of Baltimore,
320. An act entitled, an act to appropriate a sum of money
for the redemption and repayment of unused stamps, and to
authorize the Comptroller to redeem the same.
321. An act to amend the 255th and 275th sections of arti-
cle 21 of the Code of Public Local Laws, so far as the same
relates to public schools, in Washington county.
322. An act entitled, an act to amend the 65th article of the
Code of Public General Laws, by repealing the 42d, 43d, 44th,
45th and 46th sections of the said Article, and by adding
thereto certain new sections prohibiting manumission of negro
slaves, and authorizing free negroes to renounce their freedom
and become slaves.
323. An act to incorporate a company to build a turnpike
road from the Georgetown turnpike to the public road lead-
ing from Adamstown to Greenfield Mills.