153. An act entitled, an act to amend the 116th section of
the 22d article of the Code of Public Local Laws, which au-
thorises the board of primary education in Worcester county,
to purchase, build and rent school-houses, by giving them the
power to condemn land.
154. An act to incorporate Brothers Relief Division, No.
136, Sons of Temperance, of Carroll county, Maryland.
155. An act to require the Clerk of the Circuit Court for
Frederick county to make and prepare a general index to the
land records of Frederick county from the commencement of
the term of William, B. Tyler, clerk, to the expiration of the
term of Edward Shriver, inclusive.
156. An act to amend article 38, section 12, of the Code
of Public General Laws, so far as relates to Montgomery
county and insert the following as a substitute.
157. An act entitled, an act to amend the 168th and 169th
sections of article 16, of the Code of Public Local Laws, re-
lating to the compensation of the Sheriff of Prince George's
158. An act to provide for the making indexes to the land
records in the clerk's office for Charles county, and directing
the county commissioners to levy by a tax a sufficient sum to
pay for the same.
159. An act further carrying out the provisions of the 19th
section of article 4, of the Constitution, by adding new sec-
tions to the 74th article of the Code of Public General Laws,
by authorising the removal of causes from the several courts
of Baltimore city.
160. An act to repeal the 27th section of the 20th article
of the Code of Public Local Laws, relating to the commis-
sioners of Talbot county, and substituting the following there-
161. An act to amend the 66th section of the 8th article
of the Code of Public Local Laws, relating to the town of
Elkton, by changing the day for appointing the judges of
election for town commissioners.
162. An act to amend the 36th section of the 22d article
of the Code of Public Local Laws, which fixes the pay of the
clerk of the county commissioners of Worcester county by
increasing said pay.
163. An act to amend the 107th section of the 80th article
of the Code of Public General Laws, which requires the Or-
phan's Court to fix the commissions of executors in all cases
whether claimed by the executors or not, and to substitute