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Session Laws, 1860
Volume 588, Page 684   View pdf image (33K)
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ROAD COMPANY— State to have

one director in the,




Any person desiring to take up va-
cant or escheat lands shall obtain a

warrant from the, directed to the

surveyor of the county in which the

land lies, or to which it may he con-

tiguous, requiring him to survey

the same, and return a certificate of

survey to the land office within one

year from date of warrant, and such-

warrant may be in the form hereto-

fore used in the land office, and may

be either a common or special war-

rant, a proclamation or escheat war-

rant, or a warrant of re-survey, as

may be best suited to the case of the

party applying,



Any person may obtain a common

warrant, a special warrant, or pro-

clamation warrant for all kinds of

public or unappropriated lands of

this State by applying to the, and

paying the usual fees and charges,



No patent shall issue unless fifty cents

per acre be paid the, before issuing

the same, but if the land lies in Al-

legany county, then twenty cents

per acre shall be paid, and if in

Washington county, twenty-five

cents per acre shall be previously




Any person who has obtained a war-

rant to survey vacant or escheat

lands, shall, within one year from

the date thereof, unless the same be

renewed, pay for the land, &c., and

for such improvements as may be on

such vacant land,



The person who first applies to the,

lot a warrant during business hours,

shall be entitled to the same, upon

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Session Laws, 1860
Volume 588, Page 684   View pdf image (33K)
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