be requested to take such measures as may be
deemed necessary to call upon the executive officers
of the General Government to negotiate with the
Government of Great Britain for the recovery and
restitution of slave property belonging to American
citizens, which may be found in her provinces.
Assented to
March 10.
RESOLUTION directing the Adjutant General to
loan to the "Annapolis Guards" a stand of mus-
kets, with the necessary accoutrements.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Adjutant General loan to the Annapolis
Guards, commanded by Col. Wm. A. Spencer, a
stand of muskets, with the necessary accoutrements,
sufficient to equip the said company, and take the
receipt from Col. Spencer, for the return of the
same, to be subject to be called in by the said Ad-
jutant General, at his discretion.
RESOLUTION directing the Adjutant General to
Assented, to
March 10.
furnish to John Harrigan, of Washington coun-
ty, a musket or rifle, as the said John Harrigan
may elect.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Adjutant General, be and is hereby di-
rected to furnish to John Harrigan, of Washington
county, a musket or rifle, as the said John Harri-
gan may elect, out of any unappropriated arms
now in his possession, as a slight testimonial of the
regard in which he is held by his native State, for
meritorious services in the late war with Great
Britain, upon the Canada lines and at Fort Mc-