CHAP. 387.
AN ACT for the endowment of the Baltimore Fe-
male College.
Passed March
8, 1860.
WHEREAS, in the year eighteen hundred and
forty-nine, the Baltimore Female College was in-
stituted for the liberal education of young ladies
in the arts and sciences in general, with such special
instruction as would fit them to become teachers,
and was created a college proper by an act of in-
corporation by the General Assembly of Maryland,
December session of the same year, with authority
to confer the usual academic degrees, and since
that time has exercised the functions of a regular
college, as well as of a normal school; and whereas,
due enlightened and generous policy has always
guided the State in fostering institutions of learn-
ing among us;
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the sum of fifteen hundred dol-
lars shall, on the warrant of the Comptroller of the
State, be annually paid on the first day of April of
each year, to the president of the board of trustees
of the Baltimore Female College, for the support
of said institution.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in consideration
of | the above amount granted by the State for the
support of said seminary of learning, the trustees
of the said Baltimore Female College shall estab-
lish free scholarships, upon which one pupil from
each county in the State, and one from the city of
Baltimore, shall be admitted to all the instructions
given in the college, and to the privileges of the
normal class, all necessary books, without any
charge whatever.
Free scholar-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That when any of the
young ladies educated as above shall have com-
pleted the usual course of study, and in the judg-
ment of the faculty of the college and the board of
trustees, shall exhibit ability and aptness to teach,
they shall receive, in addition to the ordinary de-
gree of the college, a diploma which shall set forth
their qualifications for the duties of an instructress
of youth.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the judges of the
Orphans' court in each county in the State, and of
Duty of the
judges of Or-
phans' court.