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now applicable to the property of lunatics shall ap-
ply to cases of persons declared to be habitual
drunkards, under the provisions of this act except
when otherwise directed by this act, and all per-
sons who may be alleged to be habitual drunkards
may dispense with the legal proceedings to estab-
lish the same, and may with the approbation of the
court when said petition may be filed, appoint his
or her own committee and may voluntarily enter
said asylum for a limited time, and the board of
trustees of said asylum may retain such persons the
length of time he or she may have agreed therein
to remain, and if the person against whom the pe-
tition may be filed shall be found by the jury to be
a habitual drunkard, incapable of taking care of
himself or herself, it shall be the duty of the court
to appoint a committee of such person, and such
committee shall with the written assent and appro-
bation of the court have the power of confining
such person in the said asylum for such length of
time as the court may in writing approve, but said
committee with the written assent and approbation
of the court may at any time release from confine-
ment said habitual drunkard, and the period of
confinement of said habitual drunkard may by the
said committee, with the written assent and appro-
bation of the court, be from time to time extended
for such periods as may be necessary for his or her
complete reformation.
Annual re-
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the board of
trustee of said asylum shall make an annual report
to the Governor of the State on the third Wednes-
day of January in each year, in detail, of their pro-
ceedings, income, expenditures, the number of pa-
tients, admitted, discharged; and remaining in said
asylum, verified by the affidavit of the president,
and treasurer, which report shall be filed in the of-
fice of the secretary of State.
In force.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.