and shall have all the powers of a justice of the
peace in criminal cases, where the commissioners
are a party, and shall receive the same fees as a
justice of the peace is allowed for similar cases and
an appeal from his judgment, where the demand
exceeds five dollars, may he taken to the Circuit
court for the county, which shall hear and deter-
mine the matter as upon appeals from a justice of
the peace,
CHAP. 373.
SEC. 23. And be it enacted, That the bailiff shall
have the same fees for making distresses for taxes,
as are allowed county collectors, and for making
arrests or serving process for violation of any
ordinance of the corporation, the same as any
allowed constables for similar services, and where
the bailiff wilfully fails to discharge, and duty of
his office, he may be fined at the discretion of the
president not exceeding ten dollars for any one of-
Bailiff's fees.
SEC. 24. And be it enacted. That all fines, pen-
alties and forfeitures imposed by this charter or by
any ordinance of the commissioners may be collect-
ed in the name of the commissioners before the
president or a justice of the peace, similar to the
mode of collecting small debts, and the delin-
quent shall stand committed to the county jail
until the same is paid with costs.
Fines, &c.
SEC. 25. And be it enacted, That the commis-
sioners shall not expend or contract to expend in
any one year, more money than the amount re-
ceivable from taxes, and other sources for that
SEC. 26. And be it enacted, That the public
buildings, and other county property in said town
shall not be subject to taxation, and shall con-
tinue to the uses, to which the same are now allot-
ted, the judges of the several courts shall continue
to hold their courts in the court house as hereto-
fore, the commissioners for the county, justice of
the peace, sheriff, constables, and all other county
and State offices, shall have, hold and exercise
their offices, and jurisdiction in said town, as if
this charter had not been granted, and the com-
missioners for Montgomery county shall appropri-
ate annually one-third of the tax levied upon the
assessable property within the corporate limits of
the town, for the improvement of the streets with-
Public build-
ings, public
officers, im-
provement of
streets, &c.